Press information

This is where you can download press material about our company, our products, and our latest news. The downloads for the various subjects contain images and texts as a compressed .zip file.
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Copyright for press images
bulthaup press images may only be used for editorial and scientific purposes.
Copyright belongs to Bulthaup GmbH & Co KG, 84155 Bodenkirchen, Germany and shall also remain fully intact if images are entered electronically or manually into an archive. Images that are used for editorial and scientific purposes must be acknowledged with a source credit (Photo: bulthaup,, Bulthaup GmbH & Co KG, 84155 Bodenkirchen, Germany). The electronic modification (e.g. photo montages, retouching) of images is only permitted with the express consent of Bulthaup GmbH & Co KG. Printing and publication of photos is permitted free of charge. However, we do request that a copy of printed media be sent to us or, in the case of film or electronic media, brief notification that bulthaup material has been used.
Copyright and associated property rights
© Copyright Bulthaup GmbH & Co KG, Bodenkirchen (Germany). All rights reserved.